To insert a tube into a conduit is an idea that comes from antiquity. It has been reported that the Egyptians deployed a papyrus stalk in urethras to drain urine. Once again, urologists would inspire cardiologists. Alexis Carrel (1873-1944), a brilliant surgeon from Lyon, France, was the first to introduce a device into a vessel.1
At age 21, while working as an extern – against the opinion of the medical community – he averred that President Carnot, assassinated in Lyon in 1894, could have been saved, if only his fatal portal vein wound had been repaired – all we needed to learn was how to suture vessels. In 1912, he published the results of his experience with permanent intubations in canine aortas. The idea was a failure, due to aortic wall ulcerations caused by the prosthetic material employed (glass, aluminum). However, he believed that permanent vessel intubation could be a simple operation and that it would be sufficient to modify the structure and the profile of the tube, thereby avoiding causing lacerations and thus allowing this technique...Join us for free and access thousands of articles from EuroIntervention, as well as presentations, videos, cases from