to compare the 2-year clinical outcomes of aspirin monotherapy compared to clopidogrel monotherapy in patients who had maintained dual antiplatelet therapy without clinical events for 6-18 months after PCI with DES
investigator-initiated, open-label, multicentre randomised trial
patients who underwent PCI with DES and were treated with DAPT for 6-18 months and without complications (ischaemic or bleeding) during DAPT treatment. They received aspirin 100 mg daily or clopidogrel 75 mg daily
composite of all-cause death, non fatal MI, stroke, readmission due to ACS or major bleeding during 24-month follow-up

in patients with event free interval of 6-18 months with DAPT after DES implantation 24 months monotherapy with clopidogrel reduced the risk of MACE compared to aspirin monotherapy
Koo et al. Lancet. 2021;2487-96